:30 Power Spot

A Unique spin

This spot
has a
message in it. 

When an attorney is a former professional baseball player, loves our town, and has calling to help people like his life depends on it. You don't just "market" him... You shift his core message so his ideal customer knows that he fights for them. It allowed him to spend nearly $30,000 less money on marketing and increase revenue 40%.

"Team USA Spot"

Gold Medalist

:60 Jamie Twang Spot

You need to watch this.

:30 Must Watch

Jordan fundamentally changed the way I look at brand-building, marketing and sales. His innovative approach allows me to be true to myself while delivering value and driving client acquisition. 

-Justin Brashear

let's do this

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You worked so hard to build the products, teams and business that rocks. Don't let it fail because we don't give you the platform you deserve.